Basic Information

Name of school: Christian Grammar School
Seat of school: Kozinova 1000, 102 00 Praha 10
ICO, School registration number: 30132931

Legal form: School legal body
Certificate of school legal entities: 24. 03. 2006
Last certificate of school incorporation: 24. 03. 2006

Account number: 0287113319/0800

School founder: Prague Archbishopric
Seat of founder: Hradčanské náměstí 56/16, 119 02 Praha 1

Information about school

In this section you can find all important information about our school. If you have any questions, there is the czech FAQ section for you or you can contact us on

We educate students in the spirit of mutual toleration, help, love and cooperation, which Christianity brought into the European culture. That is why we accept all children who want to be lead this way. The leisure time activities are also focused this way. From the first year of our four- and eight-year study, English is taught as a compulsory subject and is divided into different classes according to students´ knowledge. Placement tests take place in the first week of the study. Language conversation is also compulsory and its education is taught by experienced teachers. All students study four years of compulsory Latin as an additional language. In our school students can learn German, French and Spanish, too. During the study we make exchange programmes with German, French and Swiss Grammar Schools. Our graduates are ready for studying at universities, which they prove by their high acceptance rate.

School is connected to the net of MŠMT ČR (Ministry of school/education in the Czech Republic).

School background

Classes, corridors, gymnasium, school canteen, cabinets, restrooms and other facilities cover the area of 4 635 m2. The building is modern, luminous and spacious. Because the corridors, halls and other facilities are wide, the building is energy-demanding. The reconstruction has already started in the whole school.

Student can stay at school after classes and use the school club in their free time.

By the school there is a multifunctional pitch with an artificial turf. There is a u-ramp, which is used by children in lunch breaks.

The building is situated in calm and healthy environment of old Hostivař, on the banks of the Botič stream, whose meanders are a protected natural area. Our students, who cooperate with the ecological cantre Toulcův dvůr also help to preserve it. Animal lovers can find work, fun and educational and entertaining programmes there. This ecological centre is literally 72 stairs from us.

This almost rural environment underlines the family type of our school and its quiet atmosphere.